luis是在tinder上滑到的,金*卷发,身gao一米八二,喜欢健身和冲*,有腹肌照片,看到腹肌照片后李晗就想下身有没有很大,会有多长呢,要是能坐在这个人上面,gao*应该很rong易吧?而且看两人距离离得很近,于是立ma右滑通过,没想到luisma上就发出了信息。
“hi
han,
wee
to
city,
would
love
to
show
you
around!
do
you
want
to
catch
up
for
coffee
sometime
today?”
“hi
luis,
thank
you!
and
yes
i’m
free
today,
we
can
meet
up
somewhere~”
“sounds
great,
do
you
know
the
plaza?
it’s
near
the
beach,
we
can
have
lunch
there
and
then
head
to
the
beach.
know
there
is
decent
lunch
spot.”
“sure,
can
we
meet
up
at
12pm?”
“yeh!
see
you
later
pretty
girl”
想到一会或许会去沙滩,李晗便把*衣换成比基尼,外面就穿着吊带和短裤,扎着两个ma尾辫,身上涂好防晒,化上很淡的妆,带着一*亚**遮阳帽,便搭车前往去面基啦!
李晗抵达约定的见面地点,发出一条消息:
“i’m
here,
let