一个半小时的车程两人开车经过了绿绿的森林公园,甚至看到了两叁只考拉在树上憩息,luis心里很开心可以将李晗*绍给自己的朋友,李晗的心里也很雀跃,一切都比较合适刚刚好的样子。
车上播放着bruno
mars
的歌曲
just
the
way
you
are,
两个人相视一笑。
“when
see
your
face,
there
is
not
thing
that
would
change.
cause
you
are
amazing,
just
the
way
you
are.”
~~~
他们抵达了目的地,
是一家小镇上的餐厅,luis牵着李晗的手像一个桌位走去,座位上有叁个男sheng坐着,luis牵着李晗郑重其事的向叁个男sheng走去。
“hey
mate,
how’s
going?”
“wo,
hey
mate,
nice
to
see
you
finally!”
“and
this
is
my
girlfriend
han.
these
are
my
mates
we
grew
up
together
tommy,
scotty
and
johnny.”
luis搂着李晗的肩膀,bang她挪开了椅子,让她坐下。
“hey
han,
luis
has